Listen to ‘3 Interesting Things’ on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

3 Interesting Things: Episode 2, “The ‘Economics’ of ChatGPT, AI Football, & Live Betting Influence”

3 Interesting Things: Episode 1, “Poker Hacks, The Current State of College, & Dangerous Strategies”

Looking at Forty: A Most Meaningful Year, “Be There”

My book, "Looking at Forty", is out. Instead of an audiobook, I am releasing chapters here on the podcast. This chapter is called "April 14 / Be There". It is about how I learned a life lesson from merely sitting and listening. Enjoy!

Looking at Forty: A Most Meaningful Year, Chapter 1

My 1st book, "Looking at Forty", is out (or will be soon by the time you hear this). I went back and forth on doing an audiobook version, but decided to read/release chapters on the podcast. This will take longer to get the whole book out, but will be fun. I am not sure if I am an awkward reader of my own work, but we shall see.

Today is the first chapter- "April 12 / My Birthday".

Chasing a Dream

This episode is a little different. But, I suppose most are. I borrow some audio from The Comprehensivists Podcast- a show I do with my main man Josh. In this episode, he interviews me about my goal of publishing my first book. This was fun, and I appreciate Josh's questions.Also- that book will be out shortly. It is titled "Looking at Forty: a Most Meaningful Year". Stand by for details on release.Enjoy!

Winging It: What is Your Mission?

Had the urge to record today, so I winged it. I, for whatever reason, miss being on Active Duty in the US military. Perhaps it was because I had a clear mission? What's your current mission?

A Conversation With a Great Friend

This episode is a little different than the usual. I welcome my great, long time friend on for an interview. I pepper Dan Isaacson with around 75 questions, and it was fun. I got to know him a little better, even though I have known him for around 25 years. This was fun, I hope you enjoy, and thank you to Dan for being gracious with his time.

Also, just 1-2 technical glitches here, but that comes with the distance and the weather. They do not impact the conversation (or podcast) at all.

Debating the HOA

There is a local debate about the HOA during the pandemic. Should they reimburse some fees? Should we be happy with what they are still doing for us? The argument rages! Now this, this is midlife. Enjoy!

US-Cuba Relations: Part 5 (Final Ep in Series…or is it?)

In this last part to the series, things between the US and Cuba remain...interesting. Some of the topics I discuss include eased travel restrictions, the retraction of those, the Elian Gonzalez situation, opening of embassies, the Cuban Thaw, current happenings, and what may happen in the future. I hope you enjoyed this 5-part series. I had a blast doing it. Thanks for listening. More individual episodes to come!

US-Cuba Relations: Part 4

In part 4 of the 5 part series, I discuss topics and actions that span about 25 years. Some of these include immigration laws, the Mariel Boatlift, Radio Marti, the Special Period, Wet Foot/Dry Foot, and Cuba shooting down 2 humanitarian assistance planes. Part 5 coming soon. Enjoy. 

US-Cuba Relations: Part 3

I am doing a series of short episodes about the history of relations between the US and Cuba. In part 3, I cover parts of the embargo as well as the Cuban Missile Crisis. Things are getting intense! Enjoy...

US-Cuba Relations: Part 2

Between the years of 1959 and 1962, things got crazy between the US and Cuba. In this episode, I discuss the Cuban Revolution and the Bay of Pigs fiasco. These events changed everything between the nations, and brought the Soviet Union into the mix. Enjoy!

Generalist vs. Specialist: A Conversation w/ Glenn Decker

In this episode, I am privileged to have my first guest, Glenn Decker. We discuss the pros and cons of being either a Generalist or a Specialist. This was a fun and interesting one. Enjoy!

US-Cuba Relations: Part 1

I have always been fascinated by the relationship between the US and Cuba. I wanted to explore it more, so I decided to record some episodes on the topic. This will be a 5-6 part series. In Part 1, I discuss the history of the relationship up until 1959. Enjoy!

Dog Walks & Flat Tires

I got a flat tire yesterday, which is usually a bad experience. But I made the best out of it. I like to say I "found meaning in the mundane". I hope you enjoy. You can also ready my '5-minute blog' about the experience on my site. Thanks for listening! - @BumpBailey

To Publish or to Self-Publish, That is the Question

In this episode, I weave in a little talk about my writing journey so far. I am on the fence of going with an actual publisher versus publishing this thing myself!

New Orleans

There is just something about New Orleans. Something I can’t quite put my finger on, but can feel in my gut…


If you want to start..START.

 Here is a quick trailer for my upcoming podcast…