A Life Changer

There are very few moments in your life that change things completely. This was one of those.

I felt our baby kick for the first time. Things are now different, forever, for the better.

My wife was about five months into the pregnancy before I got the opportunity to feel this sensation. That was the kid’s doing, not my wife’s choice. We had tried previously. She had been feeling some movement, some kicking, for a couple of weeks at that point. They were not yet strong enough for me to be able to partake. But at this moment, he gave it his all.

My hand was placed on my wife’s stomach, too gently at first. She redirected me, pushed my hand in slightly harder, and pinpointed the place I should focus on. It worked. He kicked. Life changed. 

I had seen various ultrasounds at this point, which were absolutely amazing. But the kick was different, special. That’s my boy in there stretching his legs, feeling out the environment, making us aware. 

He is getting ready.

I wish I could properly describe the feeling, but there is no way to do it justice. He kicked at my hand, but hit me in the heart. I am going to be a dad. A father. He was letting me know. 

I am ready, too.

Nervous. Happy. Excited. I never knew I could have such strong feelings from such a little kick.

-Houston Bailey (@BumpBailey)


New Orleans


The Day I Almost Quit