I Worry, I Wonder

What is to come for the small children of today? As a new and first time father, this question scares me more than just a little. This question could be about life in general, but I am mostly referring to life around social media and technology as a whole.

Like most parents, I grew up in the world prior to social media. Nowadays I use it a lot, but I can at least imagine a world in which it doesn’t exist…the “real” world. That will not be the case for my son. How do I teach him to navigate these treacherous waters when I never had to do so myself? How much of his life will be spent on a screen, caring about what others are saying about whatever he is saying? Is this the new norm?

Questions abound.

I understand that there are legitimate benefits of technology (in this case social media) but I worry that it will rob him of some more tangible experiences. Experiences that you can touch with your hands and feel in your gut.

As a child I ran through the woods on fantastical missions to complete this or that, something imagined by my own mind. The wind was in my hair, the dirt on my hands, and the wildlife in my eyes. This was a common occurrence. Will my son’s experience of the woods (as an example) be virtual, conducted in some digital world? If so, can that be as good as the real thing?

I wonder if he will be good at making real, physical friends at school or if friends will now be made online. Hell, will there even be a “normal” school ten years from now? With those new friends, how will relationships look? Will communication be conducted strictly through technology, or will there still be heart to heart, face to face talks?

I am hopeful that his life will be normal, considering it will be all he knows. But with the speed of technology, I can't even imagine what will be available to him as he comes of age. Scary or exciting? Both?

I worry, I wonder.

-Houston (@BumpBailey)


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