The Dilemma of a Wasted Morning

I consider myself one of the more productive people I know when it comes to the early mornings. I wake up (almost) every day at 5:01 a.m. and get started. The days’ tasks vary, but there is always something. Workouts, dog walks, writing. Something.

But there are some days where it feels good to not do much. Perhaps have a little coffee and think about things, or read something you’ve been meaning to read. Have a little of what they call “down time”. This is especially true after a long few days of dealing with…whatever.

This morning was one of those for me. I will admit, I started writing this at 7:50 a.m., but only because my 18-month old son decided to sleep in today. I took as much “down time” as I could bear, I suppose. But still, I did not do much of anything for those first 2 plus hours.

And you know what, it felt pretty good.

Will I regret it tonight when I begin to wish I would’ve accomplished more today? Likely. Will my mind and body appreciate the break? Most definitely. 

Enter the dilemma. I understand that these mornings or even days can be good for you, regenerative, but how often should we allow ourselves this pleasure? Is it one of these slippery slope situations that I always hear about?

What to do…

In some strange way I am almost proud of myself for relaxing for a while this morning. Is that an accomplishment in itself? If so, does it truly count as relaxing? Another dilemma.

Either way, we all deserve some of this time to ourselves and our thoughts. Take advantage as you can, if you so desire, but watch out for that slope.

As for me, I will be back at it tomorrow, 5:01 a.m.



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