We’re Spoiled (#5MinuteBlog)

We’re Spoiled (a 5-minute blog)

In this day and age, we have many advantages. We have many opportunities. We have the ability to have an easier life than those that came before us.

But we don't appreciate it.

I did not appreciate it today, even though I was doing something that was not available even five years ago. It was something simple, yet I couldn’t help but complain, internally mostly, but I also picked up that phone to send a text, in complaint (think about that). I had a supposed appointment, a standing time. The other party went over by more than 10 minutes and I was not thrilled. I am spoiled.

I was close to forgetting that the appointment I had was a luxury. It was something most people don't even have access to. It was something I have only had the privilege of enjoying for the last few years. It was something that was making my life easier.

And yet, I complained. I was not satisfied. I am spoiled.

I see this a lot, likely every day. Complaints about slow internet (the INTERNET!). Complaints about slow service (SOMEONE ELSE is serving you). Complaints about how stressful life is (REALLY?).

I am not immune from this malady, the complaining.

We all do it at some point. It is almost natural, in a way. But what are we REALLY complaining about? Take a look around, you, we, have it pretty good. There are very few things in life that we should truly complain about. Very few.

So, let’s get better. This includes me. Let’s appreciate what we have, and quit being so spoiled.

-Houston Bailey (@BumpBailey


Dog Walks & Flat Tires (#5MinuteBlog)


The 5-Minute Blog