What Would You Do?

We all watch. Most in horror or shock. But we all watch.

Some events can change the path of human life on earth, and this may be one of them.

Ukraine is a proud nation and the events of the past few days will not change that, only bolster that sentiment. 

I will admit that as I see many 20-40 year old Ukrainian men leave for Poland, or wherever, my initial reaction is to question the reasoning. I would like to think that you should stay and fight.

But, would I?

When I was 21, or even 31, my answer would be clear. Volunteer. Draw a weapon. Fight.

Now, at 42 with a young son, it is not so cut and dry. Would I? Would I want him to if he is in this position down the road?

Would I stay behind and see my wife and 18-month old off, hoping to hug them again some day? Or would I go with them, making sure I did everything in my power to keep them safe? I do not think I can answer that, and luckily, at least for now, I do not have to.

But thousands of others do. There are undoubtedly countless Ukrainians in my same position in life. Married to someone they adore. Starting the journey of raising that first child together, a child who needs them now more than ever.

What do you do?

Many Americans faced a similar scenario 20 plus years ago. I made the decision to fight at that point, but that was before having a wife and child. What if that fateful day happened today, now that life is different?

I do not envy the position that the Ukrainians have been put in. I am not sure what I would do. Do you stay and fight, with the risk of never seeing your family again? Do you leave, ensuring your family’s relative well-being?

Which is the better lesson for your child? 

Does that matter? Should it?

I hope the decisions made in the past few days, and in the coming days, work out as best as possible for everyone involved.

If you ever have to make a similar decision, I wish you the best.

-Houston Bailey


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