A Travel Post- Patagonia

Patagonia Journal

This is a weird post, I know...but I wanted to share. 

Much like my last post about a trip to Michigan, I wanted to share my notes from a trip that my wife and I took to Patagonia for my 40th birthday. These entries were not in a “story” form, but in bullet points. I will share them exactly as they are. If I put a “(1st)” next to the note, it means that I believe this was the first time I did this particular thing. What a trip. Enjoy.


  • We’re in fu#$%!g Patagonia (1st)                                         

  • EcoCamp is great

  • Amazing food/wine

  • Saw Guanacos (1st)

  • Don’t forget Raymond- petrified wood, fossils

  • Great stars

  • Saw glaciers already

  • Flamingos

  • The group = me, Nat, Megan, Scott, Raymond, Heather, Kari, Dave, Beth/(Alberto & Caludio)

  • Punta Arenas, cool town, cool dogs

  • Puerto Natales

  • Ate at La Luna

  • Had beets twice in same day (1st)

  • Cold & rainy, but not terrible


  • Saw a wild horse (1st?)

  • 10 mile hike in the wind and rain

  • Thankfully Raymond’s wife is alive- and famous for bees! (he was by himself, we were worried)

  • Our 4x4 is stuck in the mud

  • Talked to a lot of Chileans today

  • Ate lunch in a field

  • Saw puma poop (1st)

  • Had Patagonian beer (1st)

  • Fun, well- traveled group

  • Weather is “miserable” (with a smiley face)

  • Coffee w/ Bailey’s before our hike

  • Worried about our dogs

  • Chilean dinners = long with wine

  • Bed time: raining hard, no electricity, no wifi/internet/phone...feels good

  • Had eel (1st)...ehhh

  • Haven't met a Chilean who wasn't nice

  • Chapped lips

  • Haven't thought about work more than 2 times

  • Head lamps = clutch

  • Played w/ outdoor puppies

  • In camp, toilet paper goes in bins (1st)

  • I can see why people love this region: challenging, beautiful...no snakes

  • Good camaraderie today- people not taking the truck even though it is raining and cold

    • The outdoors brings out the best in people, and the best people choose to be outdoors

      • *I should write something about this- how we could all use more of the outdoors to bring people together

  • Something about writing by little light/rain beating down/a few glasses of wine…


  • Kayaked in 0 degrees Celsius water today (1st)

  • Saw an iceberg break off, had to paddle away very quickly (1st)

  • Saw 3rd largest icefield in the world

  • Skipped stones in a Chilean lake (1st)

  • Spoke some basic Spanish

  • Pisco sours/skipped a shower (I think I was going for a clever rhyme here)

  • Shared tea w/ Chileans 100 ft from a glacier (1st)

  • Forgot what day it was (positive)

  • STRONG winds

  • Icebergs = the bluest blue I have ever seen

  • Tender lamb for dinner

  • What a GREAT day- notes don't capture it

  • 10 years, today, since I met Natalie

  • End of rainbow


  • Sleep was tricky due to wind

  • Weather has already changed twice in 1st 1.5 hours of the day

  • Lots of coffee

  • Biking today

  • Saw a fox within 5-6 feet that had what I think was a bird in his mouth...he didn't care about humans, standing, waiting (1st)

  • There was potential to see a puma today- driver saw 2 the evening before

    • Sat on a kill for a bit, with no luck (1st)

  • Multiple rainbows, again

  • MUDDY!

  • This BBQ lamb lunch is what it is all about: us, Chileans and family, outside, tin roof, smoke, beer, wine, LOCAL (side note: I may write a post just about this event one day)

  • The “Patagonian breeze” was brutal today

  • Ate octopus (1st)

  • Look up “Harlem River” song- heard it in EcoCamp bar...haunting (I prob had some wines in me)


  • Got within 2 feet of a fox, he was on the walkway to the restrooms- awesome

  • PUMAS!- saw a mom and 2 cubs feeding on a dead guanaco, cubs were playing/running...it was awesome, one of the coolest things I have ever seen (1st)

  • Saw some legit Gauchos (1st)

  • Hiked: bridge was out, which was actually cool

    • Insane wind and rain, everything and everyone was soaked...sucked but awesome

  • Put Claudio’s wipe-out video on a loop at EcoCamp dome bar

  • Smoked lenga tree in my whiskey- awesome (1st)

  • Played “guess my animal” game with Natalie

  • Raymond told me he wasn’t going with us tomorrow- I’m bummed, but for good reason- tough hike and he has a…….pacemaker

    • He said his wife would be happier if he didn’t go


  • Last day in the “wild”

  • Hike trail closed- bridge washed away, still went on a legit hike

  • Best weather yet, still windy though

  • Done early- kind of nice to have some down time on last day

  • Wind literally blew snot out of my nose...multiple times

  • Close fox in AM

  • Need to get Glenn’s book into the “book trade”

  • What time does the bar open?!

  • Great night- laughs, jokes, etc.

  • Grouper for dinner

  • Claudio won an award for being the best guide in the region- well deserved

    • I talked sports w/ him...was interesting to get his take on American football- he likes it

  • Week has been the best, but ready to get home, mostly because of the dogs

  • Sun was finally out today, and that was good for all

  • Laughter and camaraderie can be heard around camp, as new friendships were forged and old renewed...thanks to the outdoors (and no wifi)

  • S. America changes times, but Patagonia does not

  • Interesting how quickly cliques form, I suppose it is natural...Nat and I bridged the gap for the group this week (also included was a drawing of how we accomplished that)


  • Last full day in country

  • Cruised back to Punta Arenas

  • Great pizza for dinner, wine, champagne

  • Saw killer whales (we think) from hotel room! (1st)

  • Back to civilization, phone, internet- kind of good, kind of bad

  • Love this hotel

  • Dogs are safe! (we checked in finally)

  • Found some sea glass for Aunt Phyllis

  • Time, man

  • Said goodbye to the group...mixed feelings...weird to think you will likely never see them again- I should be used to that (military)

  • Travel is SO good, yet can be so exhausting

  • May never see a guanaco again

  • Claudio seems to have his dream job

  • Leaving in the AM

OK, so there are my notes from an EPIC trip to Chile & Patagonia. Some likely did not make sense, hell some didn’t make sense to me. I tried to include some links so you can learn a little more about the things I mentioned. That trip should be on your short list, especially if you love the outdoors and getting away from reality. I hope you enjoyed this somewhat odd post!

-Houston Bailey (@BumpBailey)


Holding On


A Travel Post- Visiting Michigan